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This section explains how the configuration files and folders are structured. It will help you understand how to use and add new configuration files, and where to add them.


Configuration files heavily depend on the hydra library. If you are not familiar with hydra, you are strongly advised to read their documentation before using this library.

Parent Folder Structure

Quadra configurations are divided into macro-categories. These categories can be found under the configs folder. The structure of the configs folder is the following:

├── backbone
├── callbacks
├── core
├── datamodule
├── experiment
├── hydra
├── logger
├── loss
├── model
├── optimizer
├── scheduler
├── task
├── trainer
└── transforms

Config Folders

In this section, we will explain the structure of the config folders. Each folder contains a set of config files or subfolders.


Backbones are the torch.nn.Module objects that are used in experiments, generally for feature extraction. Lets Have a look at one example:

  _target_: quadra.models.classification.TorchHubNetworkBuilder
  repo_or_dir: facebookresearch/dino:main
  model_name: dino_vitb8
  pretrained: true
  freeze: false
  hyperspherical: false
  input_size: 224
  output_dim: 768
  patch_size: 8
  nb_heads: 12
  • model: This is the object to instantiate. In this case, it will load a VitB-8 pretrained model from the torch hub which will be wrapped in a TorchHubNetworkBuilder adapter class to make it compatible with our framework.
  • metadata: This is the object where we store all the parameters related to model. It generally contains useful information for the model, such as input size, output dimension, patch size (for transformers), etc.

Under backbones we may have other kind of models which may not necessary be related to Pytorch, but so far all the implemented tasks are based on Pytorch.


In this folder we will store all the callbacks that are used in experiments. These callbacks are passed to pytorch-lightning as trainer.callbacks.


Core files contain some global settings for experiments. The default config is the following:

  _target_: quadra.get_version
seed: 42
tag: null
name: null
cv2_num_threads: 1
command: "python "
experiment_path: null
upload_artifacts: False
log_level: info
For example we can set the seed, decide for a run name, or set the log level.


Datamodule setting files are used to configure the datamodule which manages the datasets and dataloaders used in experiment. For a detailed explanation on how to implement DataModule classes, please refer to the datamodule documentation.

Here is the structure of the folder:

├── base
│   └── ...
└── generic
    └── ...

Right now we provide two types of configurations:

  • base: These are the default configurations for all the experiments. Standard experiments are using this configuration to initialize the datamodules.
  • generic: These configurations are used to define the datamodules for the generic tasks, which are tasks used to provide examples of how to use the framework.

Let's have a look at one example (datamodule/base/anomaly.yaml) configuring the datamodule for anomaly detection:

# DataModule class to instantiate
_target_: quadra.datamodules.AnomalyDataModule
# When we find ??? it means that the value must be provided by the user
data_path: ???
num_workers: 8
train_batch_size: 32
test_batch_size: 32
# We can use hydra interpolation to define the value of a variable based on another variable
seed: ${core.seed}
train_transform: ${transforms.train_transform}
test_transform: ${transforms.test_transform}
val_transform: ${transforms.val_transform}
phase: train

In this case we have all the parameters to instantiate an AnomalyDataModule class. Most of the time setting the data_path is enough to instantiate the datamodule.


How can I add a new dataset/datamodule?

  1. Check if your task is suitable for already defined Datamodule classes defined here.
    • If it is not suitable, you can create a new Datamodule class <your-new-task>.py under quadra.datamodules.
    • If it is suitable, you don't need to add a new Datamodule class.
  2. Add new configuration file. For example, if the task is video_recognition, we can create a configuration video_recognition.yaml in the datamodule/base folder.


The experiment files is the entry-point of the configuration. In here, we combine the different building block configurations and then we add eventual final updates or changes to them. The folder structure is as follows:

├── base
│   ├── anomaly
|   |   └── ...
│   ├── classification
|   |   └── ...
│   ├── segmentation
|   |   └── ...
│   └── ssl
|       └── ...
└── generic
    └── ...

Again we have a set of base experiments providing standard configuration for all the tasks and generic ones providing examples of how to use the framework. In this case experiments are divided by the task type. Let's see an example taking the base experiment for pytorch classification (experiment/base/classification/classification.yaml):

# @package _global_
  - override /backbone: resnet18
  - override /datamodule: base/classification
  - override /loss: cross_entropy
  - override /model: classification
  - override /optimizer: adam
  - override /task: classification
  - override /scheduler: rop
  - override /transforms: default_resize

  types: [torchscript]

  num_workers: 8
  batch_size: 32
  data_path: ???

print_config: true

  num_classes: ???
    lr_scheduler_interval: "epoch"

  lr_multiplier: 0.0
  run_test: True
  report: True
    example: True

  tag: "run"
  upload_artifacts: true
  name: classification_base_${trainer.max_epochs}

    experiment_name: classification_base
    run_name: ${}

    pretrained: True
    freeze: False
    drop_rate: 0.1
    - conv1
    - bn1
    - layer1
    - layer2

  precision: 32
  max_epochs: 200
  check_val_every_n_epoch: 1
  log_every_n_steps: 1
  devices: [0]

  patience: 20
  factor: 0.9
  verbose: False
  threshold: 0.01

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.EarlyStopping
    monitor: val_loss_epoch
    min_delta: 0.01
    mode: min
    patience: 35
    verbose: false
    stopping_threshold: 0
    monitor: val_loss_epoch

In the experiment configuration we aggregate the various building blocks of the framework using the defaults key. In this case we are using the classification datamodule, a resnet18 backbone, the cross_entropy loss, the classification model (Lightning Module), adam as optimizer, the classification task, the reduce on plateau (rop) scheduler and the default_resize transform.

We can also see that we are overriding some of the parameters of the different modules. For example, we are overriding the lr_scheduler_interval of the backbone to be step instead of epoch. We are also overriding the max_epochs of the trainer to be 200 instead of the default value.

The experiment is the most important configuration file as it is the one actually telling the framework what to do!


How can I create a new experiment extending the default experiment configuration?

For example, if you want to create a new pytorch classification experiment starting from the configuration above. You can create a new configuration file my_custom_experiment.yaml containing the following lines:

# @package _global_
  - base/classification/classification # extend from base classsification
  - override /datamodule: my_custom_datamodule # use custom datamodule
  - override /backbone: vit16_tiny # use a different backbone
  - override /trainer: lighting_multigpu # use a different trainer
  - _self_ # apply the rest of the configuration as final change

# change the default experiment name
  name: "my_custom_experiment"

# use different trainer settings
  devices: [0, 1] # use 2 gpus
  max_epochs: 1000
  num_sanity_val_steps: 0
  precision: 16
  check_val_every_n_epoch: 10
  sync_batchnorm: true
# use other customizations


These configuration files manage where and how to create folders or subfolders for experiments and other hydra related configurations.


Here we define logger classes for saving the experiment data. Most of the configurations are based on pytorch_lightning.loggers. Right now we support the following loggers:

  • MLFlowLogger: This is the default logger. It will save the experiment data to an MLFlow server.
  • TensorBoardLogger: This is a logger that will save the experiment data to a TensorBoard server.
  • CSVLogger: This is a logger that will simply save the experiment data to a CSV file.

Mlflow credentials

The default logging backend for most of the experiments is To use mlflow you need to create a .env file in the main folder of your project containing the following variables:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<str> # Optional for artifact storage
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<str> # Optional for artifact storage

Artifact storage for files such as images or models are using AWS backend at the moment. Other types of third-party AWS S3 storage providers are also supported. This part is left to user for setting up the infrastructure.


The loss functions configurations are defined in this folder.


The model configurations are the settings we use to instantiate Lightning Modules. An example of a model configuration is the one describing a classification module (model/classification.yaml):

model: ${backbone.model}
num_classes: ???
pre_classifier: null
  _target_: torch.nn.Linear
  in_features: ${backbone.metadata.output_dim}
  out_features: ${model.num_classes}
  _target_: quadra.modules.classification.ClassificationModule
  lr_scheduler_interval: "step"
  criterion: ${loss}
  gradcam: true

We have four main sections in this model configuration:

  • model: This is the backbone model we use to extract features from the input data.
  • pre_classifier: This is an optional module that we can add before the classifier layer. It is useful for example to add some MLP before the actual classifier.
  • classifier: This is the classifier layer that we use to predict the label of the input data.
  • module: This is the actual Lightning Module that we use to train the model. It contains the loss function, the optimizer and the scheduler which will be instantiated using the configurations defined in the optimizer, scheduler and loss sections.


Each optimizer file defines how we initialize the training optimizers with their parameters.


Each scheduler file defines how we initialize the learning rate schedulers with their parameters.


The tasks are the building blocks containing the actual training and evaluation logic. They are discussed in more details in the tasks section.


In this folder we define the configurations of the classes used to train models, right now we support Lightning based trainers and Sklearn based trainers.


These configurations specify how we apply data augmentation to the datasets.


Usually each transformation configuration creates three data processing pipeline:

  • train_transform
  • val_transform
  • test_transform

The most used transform is the default_resize (transforms/default_resize) which is used to resize the input images to the size expected by the backbone model and normalize using imagenet mean and std. For example, the resnet18 backbone expects images of size [224, 224] so we use the default_resize transform to resize the input images to this size.

  - default
  - _self_

input_height: 224
input_width: 224

  _target_: albumentations.Compose
    - _target_: albumentations.Resize
      height: ${transforms.input_height}
      width: ${transforms.input_width}
      interpolation: 2
      always_apply: True
    - ${transforms.normalize}

train_transform: ${transforms.standard_transform}
val_transform: ${transforms.standard_transform}
test_transform: ${transforms.standard_transform}

name: default_resize

Basically all the transforms have an input_height and input_width parameter which are used to resize the input images to the size expected by the backbone model. Right now we support only Albumentations based transforms.

We make large use of hydra variable interpolation to make the configuration files more readable and avoid repeating the same parameters over and over.