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Segmentation Example

In this page, we will show you how to run a segmentation experiment (either binary or multiclass) step by step.


This example will demonstrate how to create a custom experiment starting from default settings.


Let's start with the dataset we are going to use. Since we are using base segmentation datamodule, we must arrange our images and masks in a folder structure that follows the segmentation datamodule guideline defined in the segmentation datamodule documentation. Imagine that we have a dataset with the following structure:

├── images
│   └── 1.png
├── masks
│   └── 1.png
├── test.txt
├── train.txt
└── val.txt

The main difference between multi class segmentation and binary segmentation is that masks contain multiple values. For example, if we have a project that uses the following classes:

  • 0: background
  • 1: apple
  • 2: orange
  • 3: banana

Suppose you have a 4x4 image, a possible mask for it may be the following:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & 3 & 3 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

The base datamodule configuration file datamodule/base/segmentation.yaml is defined as follows:

_target_: quadra.datamodules.SegmentationMulticlassDataModule
data_path: ???
test_size: 0.3
val_size: 0.3
seed: 42
batch_size: 32
num_workers: 6
train_transform: ${transforms.train_transform}
test_transform: ${transforms.test_transform}
val_transform: ${transforms.val_transform}
exclude_good: false

All the parameters with value ??? must be provided by the user, particularly the data_path parameter represents the path to the dataset, since we also have split files we need to provide them as well. We will do it in the experiment configuration file.


In this example, we will compare models from segmentation_models.pytorch library. There is already a function implemented to load a model from this library acting as a bridge between that library and ours. It is defined as follows under quadra.modules.backbone:

def create_smp_backbone(
    arch: str,
    encoder_name: str,
    freeze_encoder: bool = False,
    in_channels: int = 3,
    num_classes: int = 0,
    **kwargs: Any,
    """Create Segmentation.models.pytorch model backbone
        arch: architecture name
        encoder_name: architecture name
        freeze_encoder: freeze encoder or not
        in_channels: number of input channels
        num_classes: number of classes
        **kwargs: extra arguments for model (for example classification head).
    model = smp.create_model(
        arch=arch, encoder_name=encoder_name, in_channels=in_channels, classes=num_classes, **kwargs
    if freeze_encoder:
        for child in model.encoder.children():
            for param in child.parameters():
                param.requires_grad = False
    return model

The default configuration can be found under configs/backbone/smp.yaml:

  _target_: quadra.modules.backbone.create_smp_backbone
  arch: unet
  encoder_name: resnet18
  encoder_weights: imagenet
  freeze_encoder: True
  in_channels: 3
  num_classes: 1
  activation: null

This will create a Unet model with resnet18 encoder and pretrained imagenet weights. The encoder will be frozen and the number of input channels will be 3. The number of classes will be changed according to the dataset. The activation function is set to be null (converted to None in Python) which means that the model will output logits.


These settings are provided by the segmentation_models.pytorch library. You can check the other settings from their documentation.


Why do we need to create a backbone function?

The segmentation_models.pytorch library provides a function to load the model from the segmentation_models.pytorch library. But we are limited by their customization. If we want to add/try new settings such as freezing the encoder, we need to create a new function to load the model.


For this example, we will extend base experiment configuration file located in configs/experiment/base/segmentation/smp_multiclass.yaml as follows:

# @package _global_

  - override /datamodule: base/segmentation_multiclass
  - override /model: smp_multiclass
  - override /optimizer: adam
  - override /scheduler: rop
  - override /transforms: default_resize
  - override /loss: smp_dice_multiclass
  - override /task: segmentation
  - override /backbone: smp
  - override /trainer: lightning_gpu

  tag: "run"
  name: "quadra_default"
  upload_artifacts: True

  devices: [0]
  max_epochs: 100
  num_sanity_val_steps: 0

  num_workers: 8
  batch_size: 32

Let's assume that we would like to change some settings in the default configuration file and add the datamodule parameters. We can extend configuration file as follows creating a custom one in configs/experiment/segmentation/custom_experiment/smp_multiclass.yaml:

# @package _global_
  - base/segmentation/smp_multiclass  # use smp file as default
  - _self_ # use this file as final config

  types: [onnx, torchscript]

    num_classes: 4 # The total number of classes (background + foreground)

  run_test: true # run test after training is completed
  report: false # allows to generate reports
  evaluate: # custom evaluation toggles
    analysis: false # Perform in depth analysis

  data_path: /path/to/the/dataset # change the path to the dataset
  batch_size: 64 # update batch size from 32 to 64
  train_split_file: ${datamodule.data_path}/train.txt # Use hydra variable interpolation to create path to the train split file
  test_split_file: ${datamodule.data_path}/test.txt 
  val_split_file: ${datamodule.data_path}/val.txt 
  idx_to_class: # Contains the mapping of all classes without background
    1: "apple"
    2: "orange"
    3: "banana"

  devices: [3] # change gpu from 0 to 3

  upload_artifacts: True # upload artifacts after training is completed (if supported by the current logger)
  name: "custom_segmentation_experiment" # change the name of experiment


When defining the idx_to_class dictionary, the keys should be the class index and the values should be the class name. The class index starts from 1.

In the final configuration experiment we have specified the path to the dataset, batch size, split files, GPU device, experiment name and toggled some evaluation options, moreover we have specified that we want to export the model to onnx and torchscript formats.

By default data will be logged to Mlflow. If Mlflow is not available it's possible to configure a simple csv logger by adding an override to the file above:

# @package _global_
  - base/segmentation/smp_multiclass  # use smp file as default
  - override /logger: csv # override logger to csv
  - _self_ # use this file as final config

... # The rest of the configuration


Assuming that you have created a virtual environment and installed the quadra library, you can run the experiment by running the following command:

quadra experiment=segmentation/custom_experiment/smp_multiclass

Run (Advanced)

Lets assume that you would like to run the experiment with different models and with/without freezing the encoder part of the model, thanks to hydra multi-run option we can run as follows:

quadra experiment=segmentation/custom_experiment/smp_multiclass \
backbone.model.arch=unet,unetplusplus \
backbone.model.encoder_name=resnet18,resnet50 \
backbone.model.freeze_encoder=False,True \


  • Each comma seperated value will be treated as a separate run. In this example will have a total of 8 experiments running. After running this command you may grab a ☕ and wait for the results.
  • --multirun option allows hydra to parse the command-line arguments and create multiple runs.