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Pytorch multilabel classification example

In this page, we will show you how to run a multilabel classification experiment exploiting Pytorch and Pytorch Lightning to finetune or train from scratch a model on a custom dataset.

This example will demonstrate how to create a custom experiment starting from default settings.



Let's start with the dataset that we are going to use. Since we are using the multilabel classification datamodule we must follow a precise structure for the dataset.

├── images
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── samples.txt # optional
├── test.txt # optional
├── train.txt # optional
└── val.txt # optional

Either samples.txt or both train.txt and test.txt must be provided. If samples.txt is provided, it will be used to split the dataset into train/val/test based on the datamodule parameters. Otherwise, train.txt and val.txt will be used to split the dataset into train/val and test.txt will be used to create the test set.

The content of the files is the same for both samples.txt and train.txt/val.txt/test.txt:


So the first column is the path to the image, while the other columns are the labels associated with that image. The labels must be separated by a comma.

The standard datamodule configuration for classification is found under configs/datamodule/base/multilabel_classification.yaml.

_target_: quadra.datamodules.MultilabelClassificationDataModule
data_path: ???
images_and_labels_file: null
train_split_file: null
test_split_file: null
val_split_file: null
  _target_: hydra.utils.get_method
  path: quadra.datasets.classification.MultilabelClassificationDataset
num_classes: null
num_workers: 8
batch_size: 64
test_batch_size: 64
seed: ${core.seed}
val_size: 0.2
test_size: 0.2
train_transform: ${transforms.train_transform}
test_transform: ${transforms.test_transform}
val_transform: ${transforms.val_transform}
class_to_idx: null

The most important parameters are: - data_path: the path to the dataset folder - images_and_labels_file: the path to the samples.txt file - train_split_file: the path to the train.txt file - test_split_file: the path to the test.txt file - val_split_file: the path to the val.txt file


Suppose that we want to run the experiment on the given dataset, we can define a config starting from the base config (found under configs/experiment/base/classification/multilabel_classification.yaml).

# @package _global_
  - override /backbone: resnet18
  - override /datamodule: base/multilabel_classification
  - override /loss: asl
  - override /model: multilabel_classification
  - override /optimizer: adam
  - override /task: classification
  - override /scheduler: rop
  - override /transforms: default_resize

  num_workers: 8
  batch_size: 32
  test_batch_size: 32

print_config: true

  tag: "run"
  test_after_training: true
  upload_artifacts: true
  name: multilabel-classification

    experiment_name: ${}
    run_name: ${}

    pretrained: True
    freeze: False

  devices: [0]
  max_epochs: 300
  check_val_every_n_epoch: 1

The base experiment will train a resnet18 (by default pretrained on Imagenet) for 300 epochs using Adam as optimizer and reducing the learning rate on plateaus. In we give a look inside the model configuration we will find that on top of the backbone there is a simple Linear layer mapping the output of the backbone to the number of classes.

We can define a custom experiment starting from the base one, and override the parameters that we want to change. Suppose we create a yaml configuration under configs/experiment/custom_experiment/torch_multilabel_classification.yaml with the following content:

# @package _global_
  - base/classification/multilabel_classification
  - override /backbone: vit16_tiny
  - _self_

  num_workers: 12
  batch_size: 32
  data_path: path/to/experiment/dataset
  images_and_labels_file: ${datamodule.data_path}/samples.txt # We make use of hydra variable interpolation
    class_1: 0
    class_2: 1
    class_3: 2

    out_features: 3 # This is very important as it defines the number of classes

  run_test: True # Perform test evaluation at the end of training
  report: False 
    example: False 

    experiment_name: name_of_the_experiment
    run_name: ${}


At the current time the report generation is not supported for multilabel classification.


Assuming that you have created a virtual environment and installed the quadra library, you can run the experiment by running the following command:

quadra experiment=custom_experiment/torch_multilabel_classification

This should produce the following output files:

checkpoints  config_resolved.yaml  config_tree.txt  data  deployment_model  main.log

Where checkpoints contains the pytorch lightning checkpoints of the model, data contains the joblib dump of the datamodule with its parameters and dataset split, deployment_model contains the model in exported format (default is torchscript).