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Set up devices

In this section we will see how to set up the devices for training and inference.

Lightning based tasks

If you are using a Lightning based task, you can select the appropriate trainer configuration based on your needs. By default experiments will use the lightning_gpu configuration which is designed specifically for single gpu training. The configuration file is located at configs/trainer/lightning_gpu.yaml and it is shown below:

_target_: pytorch_lightning.Trainer
devices: [0]
accelerator: gpu
min_epochs: 1
max_epochs: 10
log_every_n_steps: 10

We provide also configurations for multi-gpu training (lightning_multigpu.yaml) and cpu training (lightning_cpu.yaml). You can also create your own configuration to use different accelerators.

It's important that in the final experiment configuration you set the trainer key to the name of the configuration you want to use. For example:

  - base/classification/classification
  - override /trainer: lightning_multigpu

  devices: [0, 1] # Use two gpus

Sklearn based tasks

For Sklearn based tasks there's generally a device field in the configuration file. For example, in the configs/task/sklearn_classification.yaml file we have:

_target_: quadra.tasks.SklearnClassification
device: "cuda:0"
  folder: "classification_experiment"
  report: true
  example: true
  test_full_data: true

You can change the device to cpu or a different cuda device depending on your needs.